Sunday 29 May 2011

Living Water

“If you but knew the gift that God is offering you,”  Jesus said to the woman at the well.

To us he can say: “If you but knew the gift that God has already given you.” Through faith and Baptism that gift of living water, the gift of the Holy Spirit has already been given to us lavishly.

All Christ has done  - he has done for us
All  Christ has gained – he shares with us.
All Christ’s Spirit - he has poured out on us.

Thomas Merton wrote:  “We already have everything. Everything has already been given to us in Christ. But we don’t realise it, we don’t experience it.”

It is so important to grasp this truth if we are to get to the heart of our faith. Our on-going life of faith, prayer and service in the Christian community, our on-going relationship with the Lord is
-   less about multiplying religious practices - more about accessing the divine gift already given,
-   less about struggling to achieve some spiritual benefit - more about receiving ever more deeply what is already ours,
-   less about needing to do great things for God – more about abiding in his presence so that our lives are fragrant with his goodness and bear the fruit of love.

During these last weeks of Eastertide, as we prepare to celebrate the great feast of Pentecost, the Christian people seek renewal in the Spirit. We pray once again: "Come, Holy Spirit"

But is not really about receiving more of anything. Rather it is being made more open to experience and live from the Gift already within.