Thursday 12 April 2012

Lighting our Souls from His Flame

First of all, lets get one thing straight. At Easter we are not simply celebrating a happy ending to the story of Jesus. If the resurrection was just that we would have little to celebrate. But the wonderful truth is that Jesus who won the victory shares His victory with us as free gift.

At the beginning of the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night, the Easter Candle, a symbol of the Risen Lord, was carried into the darkened chapel. But we did not merely look passively at that single flame.

No, we lit our candles from the one candle, the light was shared and spread out until the church was bathed in light.

So it is by participation we share in the life of the Risen Jesus.

When in Baptism, we, as it were, lit the flame of our souls from His one splendid flame, it was the whole flame we received. In our oneness with the Lord we are gifted with His fullness. Through faith and baptism we enter into this new reality.

As we continue to celebrate throughout Eastertide may the Life flowing from the radiant Lord touch our weakness, pierce our darkness and revive our deadness.

May it sweep away the unbelief that doubts the One who has conquered death is more than equal to every situation in our lives and in the Church,

And may that Life so permeate our souls that we delight in Christ as the sure hope our world and the true joy of our hearts.